Creating Miracles: סיט

ט״ז בכסלו תשע״ז

Daily Draw December 16, 2016 -> סיט


סיט (Samech, Yud, Set) One of the 72-Names of the Ha-Shem

Creating a miracle generally isn’t simple, foxy. It is the hardest when you  feel down though; and especially so when you feel neglected, unloved, lacking in blessings, or lonely. Ironically, it’s when it’s most difficult that we need a miracle the most.

Although receiving externally generated miracles is undeniably awesome, most miracles are actually created with in us. Surprised? It is our wills, and petitions, and soul dream boards that are Spirits organically project into the universe via the principle of the Law of Attraction, while the Universe multiplies it and forms it into a physical shape we can experience in our lifetime.

Though first, we must surrender. We must have faith. We must be brave. We must believe. 

Today’s frequency סיט (Samech Yud Tet) reminds us of the miracles available to us when we open up to the power of the Ha-Shem within us. Just a little spark of self-awareness — a seed of a desire for personal transformation — will ignite an internal revolution of exquisiteness. And סיט is here, helping us ride this revolution.

Visualize this Holy permutation to be the magic rug of the Djinn that uplifts us, racing high into heavens studded with possibilities most precious, that are ours to enjoy. Rightfully! Ours, if we allow ourselves to accept them. If we allow our sense of worthiness to soar into the aurora of miraculous change, this ever-evolving moment offers us.

To help you practice writing in Hebrew, I recorded this short video:

So remember, foxy, you deserve the best!

Please join me for a Live Daily Draw on my Facebook Page tomorrow at 3 PM Central time!


Exquisitely yours,

Madame Nadia




How are your 2017 resolutions look? Need some guidance about what’s coming up for you? No problem, I’m all for helping you out. So, here, follow this link, and do yourself a big, foxy favor and book a reading. Knowledge s power power!